Wednesday, October 19, 2011

so today in my sociology class I Saw the first 20mins of a movie and its looks cool but it is so bad in a way. I found out that for my paper for this class is gonna be on a movie I don't know what movie yet but its gonna be good, i cant wait to do its gonna be so good and i hope i get a good grade  in the class i really like this class and I'm starting more on my pit bull documentary, and i have some people to be in it now some people from Sammy's friends and river dogs grooming place and i cant wait to start filming i have been waiting  for this for so long, I hope it turns out really good and I get to be in a film fest with it  and i hope that soon my bf will see that i have changed and that I'm going back to the real me again, the way i was in Sacramento, the one he fell in love with, not the girl i have become this shitty person  right now...... i have a lot on my plate right now, i have school and trying to do this movie and all the stuff i have to do at home, that reminds me i have to type up my paper for English class tomorrow damn i so forgot about that i better get on it now, so i guess thats all for now till tomorrow night so love ya all 